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This paper presents an analysis of the volatility connectedness of major bank stocks in the South East Asia (SEACEN …) region between 2004 and 2016. Applying the Diebold-Yilmaz Connectedness Index (DYCI) framework to daily stock return … dynamic bank volatility network. The volatility connectedness increased substantially during the US financial crisis (from …
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) has important financial stability implications. This paper examines connectedness among United States, European and Asian … 2016. Results reveal strong regional clusters of return and volatility connectedness amongst GSIBs and GSIIs. Compared to …-based connectedness. Total system connectedness-i.e., among all GSIBs and GSIIs-tends to rise during financial stress, which is …
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This paper presents an analysis of the dynamic measures of volatility connectedness of major bank stocks in the US and … direction of the volatility connectedness was from the US banks towards the EU banks. However, once the financial crisis became … global in the last quarter of 2008, volatility connectedness became bi-directional. The surge in volatility connectedness …
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Forecasting firms' earnings has long been an interest of market participants and academics. Traditional forecasting studies in a multivariate time series setting do not take into account that the timing of data release for a specific time period of observation is often spread over several days...
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We contribute to the empirical literature on the impact of non-performing loan (NPL) ratios on aggregate banking sector variables and the macroeconomy by estimating a panel Bayesian VAR model for twelve euro area countries. The model is estimated assuming a hierarchical prior that allows for...
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We contribute to the empirical literature on the impact of shocks to bank capital in the euro area by estimating a Bayesian VAR model identified with sign restrictions. The variables included in the VAR are those typically used in monetary policy analysis, extended to include aggregate banking...
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We propose a methodology for measuring the market-implied capital of banks by subtracting from the market value of equity (market capitalization) a credit-spread-based correction for the value of shareholders' default option. We show that without such a correction, the estimated impact of a...
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The Turkish economy has encountered significant shocks in interest rates and foreign exchange along with global risks in recent years. These shocks had an impact not only on the real sector but also on the banking sector's returns, depending on the ownership structure. This study examines the...
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This paper studies the impact of the banks' portfolio holdings of financial derivatives on the banks' individual contribution to systemic risk over and above the effect of variables related to size, interconnectedness, substitutability, and other balance sheet information. Using a sample of 95...
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