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This paper investigates a model of endogenous product differentiation in subprime lending markets. In the subprime literature the discussion surrounds two competing hypotheses about pricing behavior. The opportunity pricing hypothesis suggests that lenders are rent seeking in their pricing...
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This paper evaluates the incentives that banks have to herd. It includes a complete literature review of papers from … policy that reduces the costs of over-investment increases the incentives of banks to herd …
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measurement of a bank's performance. Despite this, for reasons relating to regulation, the nature of the business and the … theory to banking. We consider the concepts of “capital employed” and “economic capital” in the context of banking and …
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. Contrary to claims in the literature that "equity is expensive" and that regulation requiring more equity in the funding mix … entails costs to society, such regulation actually helps create useful commitment for banks to avoid the inefficiently high … borrowing that comes under laissez-faire. Effective regulation is beneficial even without considering systemic risk; if such …
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benefits. Contrary to claims in the literature that “equity is expensive” and that regulation requiring more equity in the … funding mix entails costs to society, such regulation actually helps create useful commitment for banks to avoid the … inefficiently high borrowing that comes under laissez-faire. Effective regulation is beneficial even without considering systemic …
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Achim Hauck geht der Frage nach, ob Investitionsentscheidungen von bankfinanzierten Unternehmen durch Fehlanreize gekennzeichnet sind. Er zeigt, dass unternehmerische Fehlanreize bei der Investition durch geeignet ausgestaltete Mindesteigenkapitalanforderungen an die sie finanzierenden Banken...
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The most general lesson of the crime prevention literature is taken to be that repeat victimization and repeat offending are concentrated in time and space; early intervention to prevent wider inflammation of such hot spots is more effective than reactive general deterrence (as in economic models...
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Despite ample research demonstrating many consequences of bank geographic deregulation, the bank capital determinants literature has not directly tested the effects of this deregulation. This paper fills this important research gap. We find strong evidence that geographic deregulation...
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