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This paper provides a compact framework for banking regulation analysis in the presence of uncertainty between systemic liquidity and solvency shocks. Extending the work by Cao & Illing (2009a, b), it is shown that systemic liquidity shortage arises endogenously as part of the inferior mixed...
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The paper provides a baseline model for regulatory analysis of systemic liquidity shocks. We show that banks may have an incentive to invest excessively in illiquid long term projects. In the prevailing mixed strategy equilibrium the allocation is inferior from the investor's point of view since...
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Nach den Erfahrungen der Finanzkrise scheint es angebracht, in der Bankenaufsicht ein Instrument zu implementieren, das das Finanzmarktaufsichtssystem gegen potentielle Fehlleistungen bei der Anwendung risikogewichteter Eigenmittelvorschriften absichert. Die Vertreter der G-20 Länder haben...
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Der Beitrag beschreibt das Schweizer Eigenmittelregime für Grossbanken. Dieses orientiert sich am Regelwerk Basel II und wird im Rahmen der Reformierung des Basler Abkommens (Basel III) weitere Anpassungen erfahren. Die Schweiz befindet sich damit nach wie vor im Prozess der Neugestaltung der...
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In September 2009, G20 representatives called for introducing a minimum leverage ratio as an instrument of financial regulation. It is supposed to assure a certain degree of core capital for banks, independent of the controversial procedures used to assess risk. This paper discusses the...
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This paper provides an overview of stress-testing methodologies in Europe, with a focus on the advancements made by the European Central Bank's Financial Stability Committee Working Group on Stress Testing (WGST). Over a four-year period, the WGST played a pivotal role in refining stress-testing...
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In March 2012 a conference, organised jointly by the ICFR and SUERF, on "Future Risks and Fragilities for Financial Stability", explored what the next pressure points for financial stability might be, how these may arise from the response to the last financial crisis, and how the industry and...
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The question of why some countries suffer from crises, while some others can escape from them, is challenging. Empirical evidence suggests that countries with stronger financial institutions are more durable to the wind of crises. In this paper, we investigate empirically whether the link...
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Stress-tests provide complementary information about banks’ risk exposures. Recent empirical evidence, however, has uncovered potential inaccuracies in stress-test based assessments. We investigate the regulatory implications of these inaccuracies. Without stress-tests, the regulator cannot...
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The emergence of so-called "decentralised finance" (DeFi) and a shadow financial system of cryptocurrency exchanges and stablecoin issuers raises the challenge of how to apply technology-neutral regulation so that similar risks are subject to the same rules. This paper makes the case for...
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