Showing 121 - 130 of 1,155
Especially structured finance instruments were blamed as main reason for the financial crisis 2007, but the understanding for the motivation to originate securitization products is less discovered. Therefor this paper tries to identify main balance sheet characteristics of structured finance...
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Nach den Erfahrungen der Finanzkrise scheint es angebracht, in der Bankenaufsicht ein Instrument zu implementieren, das das Finanzmarktaufsichtssystem gegen potentielle Fehlleistungen bei der Anwendung risikogewichteter Eigenmittelvorschriften absichert. Die Vertreter der G-20 Länder haben...
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Der Beitrag beschreibt das Schweizer Eigenmittelregime für Grossbanken. Dieses orientiert sich am Regelwerk Basel II und wird im Rahmen der Reformierung des Basler Abkommens (Basel III) weitere Anpassungen erfahren. Die Schweiz befindet sich damit nach wie vor im Prozess der Neugestaltung der...
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The macroprudential regulatory framework of Basel III imposes the same capital and liquidity requirements on all banks around the world to ensure global competitiveness of banks. Using an agent-based model of the financial system, we find that this is not a robust framework to achieve...
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This paper provides evidence for regulatory arbitrage within the class of assetbacked securities (ABS) based on individual asset holding data of German banks. I find that those banks operating with tight regulatory constraints pick the securities with the highest yield and lowest collateral...
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We examine the saving behavior of banks' retail customers. Our unique dataset comprises the contract and cash flow information for approximately 2.2 million individual contracts from 1991 to 2010. We find that contractual rewards, i.e., qualified interest payments, and government subsidies,...
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Die Bankenneuregulierung der Europäische Kommission sieht eine Beschränkung der Kreditvergabe im Interbankenmarkt auf 25 % des Eigenkapitals sowie einen Selbsteinbehalt des Originators in Höhe von 5 % am gesamten zu verbriefenden Forderungsportfolio vor. Eine starre Regulierung führt aber...
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The present study is centered primarily on determining whether the German banking system is to be characterized by procyclical behavior from 2000 to 2011 and to what extent specific sectors of the German banking system showed significant balance sheet operations to increase their leverage within...
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We investigate why only some banks use regulatory arbitrage. We predict that banks wanting to be riskier than allowed by capital regulations (constrained banks) use regulatory arbitrage while others do not. We find support for this hypothesis using trust preferred securities (TPS) issuance, a...
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In this paper, we develop a new capital adequacy buffer model (CABM) which is sensitive to dynamic economic circumstances. The model, which measures additional bank capital required to compensate for fluctuating credit risk, is a novel combination of the Merton structural model which measures...
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