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On September 22, 2004, the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Supervision (OFHEO) made public a report that was highly critical of accounting methods at Fannie Mae, the government-sponsored enterprise that plays a leading role in the secondary mortgage market. OFHEO charged Fannie Mae with not...
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We present a derivative pricing and estimation methodology for a class of stochastic volatility models that exploits the observed 'bursty' or persistent nature of stock price volatility. Empirical analysis of high-frequency S&P 500 index data confirms that volatility reverts slowly to its mean...
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This study examines relations between stock returns and potential explanatory factors in Korea, an important and segmented emerging market. Our results show that Korean stock returns in general and returns on stocks listed in Section 1 in particular are significantly positively related to...
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Previous studies of the quality of market-forecasted volatility have used the volatility that is impliedby exchange-traded option prices. The use of implied volatility in estimating the market view of futurevolatility has suffered from variable measurement errors, such as the non-synchronization...
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This study investigates why externally advised real estate investment trusts (REITs) underperform their internally managed counterparts. Consistent with previous studies, we find that REITs managed by external advisors underperform internally managed ones by over 7 percent per year....
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In this article we test the urban asset pricing model of Capozza and Sick (1988) and focus on the empirical dimensions of the effects of risk on urban land prices. The effects of systematic and unsystematic risk are distinguished in the model which incorporates the value of the option to convert...
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By using a broker, the owner of a house can speed up his search for buyers but must pay a percentage of the sale price as a commission. Nonstationarities inherent in the housing market may make it optimal to market a house “by-owner” at the outset and to retain a broker only if the house...
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Long-term leases on property are popular in many jurisdictions, both with private vendors and with local governments who want to retain future control over land use. A puzzling issue for vendors and purchasers has been how to value these leased properties relative to fee-simple properties....
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This article documents the long-horizon mean reverting character of annual earnings and tests the implications of such mean reversion for security valuation. First, both theory-based and nonparametric measures of earnings persistence decrease as the estimation order increases, revealing 40...
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This project is a case study on three small market Major League Baseball teams: Oakland, Minnesota, and Cincinnati. The purpose is to discover why some small market teams fail and why some succeed using the hypothesis that small market teams with better player development systems are more...
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