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shocks. In a model that is capable of matching asset pricing moments, a short-lived shock that destroys a small fraction of … the economy's stock of pledgeable collateral generates a persistent recession, a stock market crash, and a flight …
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In this paper we set up a New-Keynesian model with a heterogenous banking sector to analyze liquidity problems on the interbank market. The presence of an interbank market is essential to consider a situation where an increased liquidity supply by the central bank is only partially passed on to...
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We propose a life-cycle model of the housing market with a property ladder and a credit constraint. We focus on equilibria which replicate the facts that credit constraints delay some households' first home purchase and force other households to buy a home smaller than they would like. The model...
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We propose a life-cycle model of the housing market with a property ladder and a credit constraint. We focus on equilibria which replicate the facts that credit constraints delay some households' first home purchase and force other households to buy a home smaller than they would like. The model...
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of financial leverage. The degree of leverage is shown to be an important factor in the amplifying role of collateral … the interactions between investment and collateral price, the endogenous accumulation of collateral asset is shown to be … an alternative channel through which the business cycle effects of collateral constraints are generated. On the other …
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This paper examines empirically the nonlinear business cycle dynamics due to the presence of financial frictions. Using a threshold vector auto regression, the authors estimate the behavior of interest rate shocks in which a regime change occurs if the two respective threshold variables namely...
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