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In a variety of settings, some payoff-relevant item spreads along a network of connected individuals. In some cases, the item will benefit those who receive it (for example, a music download, a stock tip, news about a new research funding source, etc.) while in other cases the impact may be...
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This paper studies the governance of a sample of California hospitals. We document a number of empirical relations about hospital governance: The composition of the board of directors varies systematically across ownership types; poor performance and low levels of uncompensated care increase...
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This paper explores the interaction between incentives, information, and organizational design. It argues that the virtues of the market economy do not lie so much in the vision of competition and decentralization embodied in the Arrow-Debreu model, or the Lange-Lerner-Taylor analysis of market...
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We adopt the view of organizations as information processingentities. As such, we propose that various exogenous and endogenousfactors should affect the performance of organizations with respect toinformation processing tasks. We present a methodology for modelingorganizational structures and...
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We compare the performance of organizational forms (M-form and U-form) in experimenting with uncertain projects. In our framework, organizational forms affect the information structure of an organization and thus the way to coordinate changes. Compared to the U-form, the M-form organization...
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The increasing significance of project-based forms of organizing economic activities in many industries has stimulated considerable interest in project-based firms (PBFs) as distinctive kinds of economic actors that are seen by some as heralding a new logic of organizing. In particular, their...
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On the occasion of the thirty-first anniversary of the publication of The Multinational Corporation and the Law of Uneven Development by Hymer, the paper seeks to assess the relevance of Hymer's prediction to our current understanding of the multinational company (MNC) and its role in world...
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We argue that multinational enterprises (MNEs) not only strive to minimize transaction costs but also attempt to maximize transaction values when interacting with local firms in foreign markets. We put forth our thesis for the MNE governance structure, contingent on the institutional environment...
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Part 1: Why Flat Structures Work at All -- Chapter 1: What does it mean to move towards a “flatter” structure? -- Chapter 2: What managers can effectively and efficiently delegate -- Chapter 3: Why would employees ever assume extra work in a decentralized organization? -- Part 2: What...
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