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The present study investigates the possible existence of a systematic relation between beta and excess-return for portfolios of Turkish equities. In the process, no systematic relation is found between beta and realized portfolio excessreturn, in an unconditional sense. However, the study does...
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In this paper, we present a novel method to extract the risk-neutral probability of default of a firm from American put option prices. Building on the idea of a default corridor proposed in Carr and Wu (2011), we derive a parsimonious closed-form formula for American put option prices from which...
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El presente documento de trabajo, muestra la evolucion historica reportada de las estrategias de inversion en acciones, principalmente en el mercado de USA, por lejos el mas importante del mundo. Tambien, se muestra investigacion en España. Se distinguen tres etapas: la inicial, correspondiente...
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The Relative Value Theory predicts equilibrium prices in a world in which time value of money is unique, and investors are risk-indifferent and only care about maximizing cumulative returns. This paper shows that RVT’s equilibrium prices determine intrinsic expected returns that satisfy the...
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The RVT predicts equilibrium prices in a world where investors ignore variance and only care about cumulative returns. Such prices determine intrinsic returns that satisfy the CAPM equation. This paper shows that assets that pay a constant (or constantly increasing) dividend but face each year...
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The present study investigates the possible existence of a systematic relation between beta and excess-return for portfolios of Turkish equities. In the process, no systematic relation is found between beta and realized portfolio excessreturn, in an unconditional sense. However, the study does...
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Using the price series of the assets that compose the IBrX in the period from May 2002 to December 2007, this article examines the influence of the variables beta, market value, price-earnings ratio and book-to-market ratio on the behavior of the Brazilian stock market, comparing the results...
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