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research is to examine if DDM models offer relevant and safe valuation of long-term securities at Macedonian Stock Exchange … use of DDM valuation models at MSE, to determine causes for differences between the intrinsic values and the stock market … prices and to determine basic parameters for implementation of valuation on Macedonian financial market. We find that DDM …
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We add discrete jumps in the time-to-maturity of a firm's debt to the model of Engle and Siriwardane (2015), such that changes in equity volatility can be explained by the volatility of the firm's assets, its market leverage and investors' perception of the time-to-maturity of the firm's debt....
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unserer Ergebnisse für eine länderspezifische Erweiterung des Capital Asset Pricing Models. … factors of standard multi-factor models. Based on the returns of all stocks listed in the German composite index CDAX (all … portfolios, sorted by market capitalization and book-to-market equity, are captured substantially better by multi-factor models …
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This paper is an empirical investigation into the role of credit history in determining the spread on sovereign bank loans. It employs an error-in-variables approach used in rational-expectations-macro-econometrics to set up a structural model that links sovereign loan spreads to realized...
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approaches, such as linear factor models, practitioners as well as academics repeatedly return to the milestone models such as …-return relationship by comparing the power of traditional and alternative asset pricing models in explaining the cross-section of asset … returns. The focus is on unconditional models, commonly used among investors and equity analysts. This paper is based on the …
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This study aims to investigate the market timing strategy in different market conditions (i.e. up, down, normal and in-financial-crisis situation) in the emerging market of Pakistan over the period 1995 to 2015. Furthermore, this study tests the validity of the capital asset pricing model (CAPM)...
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(GARCH) models, of differing lag and parameter terms, to forecast the variance of the market used in the denominator of the … squared forecast error (MSE) were used to compare the forecasting ability of the ex-ante GARCH models, Artificial Neural …-of-sample testing than the other ex-ante models. Although the simplest approach, constant ex-post beta, performed as well or better …
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of a zero intercept for the full period. Extended tests reveal a structural change in asset prices in the year 1998. When …
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Non-agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS) are typically priced and traded on discounted cashflow basis where a cashflow projection is made under a prepayment and default scenario and discounted with a discount margin (DM) that supposedly measures credit risk. Whilest simple and intuitive to...
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