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Through extending a standard Grossman and Stiglitz (1980) noisy rational expectations economy by a heterogeneous signal structure with signal-specific differences in uncertainty, we show that price momentum as well as reversal are not intrinsically at odds with rational behavior. Differences in...
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In this paper, we study a dynamic Gaussian financial market model in which the traders form higher-order expectations about the fundamental value of a single risky asset. Rational uninformed traders are introduced into an otherwise standard differential information economy to investigate the...
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We demonstrate that asymmetric information between sellers (loan originators) and purchasers (investors and securities issuers) of commercial mortgages gives rise to a standard “lemons problem”, whereby portfolio lenders use private information to liquidate lower quality loans in CMBS...
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portfolio conditionally on his information. Which proxy to use for conditional expected returns, and what is the relevant … benchmark to consider for the conditional CAPM(s)? Many CAPM empirical tests consider future realized returns as proxies for …
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The paper contrasts theories that explain diverse belief by asymmetric private information (in short PI) with theories which postulate agents use subjective heterogenous beliefs (in short HB). We focus on problems where agents forecast aggregates such as profit rate of the Samp;P500 and our...
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Before information φ arrives, market observers must be uncertain whether the stock price conditioned on φ will be higher or lower than the current price. Otherwise there is an obvious arbitrage opportunity. By assuming this minimal condition of efficient markets, it is shown under the...
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A new alternative diffusion model for asset price movements is presented. In contrast to the popular approach of Brownian motion it proposes deterministic diffusion for the modelling of stock price movements. These diffusion processes are a new area of physical research and can be created by the...
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Market efficiency and the pricing kernel are closely related. A non-monotonic decreasing pricing kernel implies the existence of a trading strategy in contingent claims that stochastically dominates a direct investment in the market. Moreover, a market is assumed to be efficient only if no...
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variation in the unconditional alpha. Even if this assumption holds, decay in the conditional alpha can bias the unconditional …
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Long-short anomaly returns are strongly related to the day of the week. Anomalies for which the speculative leg is the short (long) leg experience the highest (lowest) returns on Monday. The opposite pattern is observed on Fridays. The effects are large; Monday (Friday) alone accounts for over...
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