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This paper is an empirical investigation into the role of credit history in determining the spread on sovereign bank loans. It employs an error-in-variables approach used in rational-expectations-macro-econometrics to set up a structural model that links sovereign loan spreads to realized...
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We examine the relation between cryptocurrency returns and two blockchain characteristics, computing power and network size. We show that cryptocurrency prices are cointegrated with computing power and network. Further, cryptocurrency returns have positive and significant risk exposures to...
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We start by documenting large differences in bitcoin prices across exchanges located in different countries, or for different fiat currency pairs. For the most reputable exchanges, and after carefully accounting for all the transaction costs and limitations to trade, we find that costly...
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Using a novel collection of market characteristics from 40 countries, this paper test competing explanations behind five major anomalies classified in Hou, Xue, and Zhang (2015): momentum, value-growth, investment, profitability, and trading frictions. Results show that anomaly returns highly...
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The study is undertaken to find out the relationship between portfolio returns and market returns and test the empirical validity of the standard CAPM model on Bahrain Bourse. The study is based on 39 companies listed in the Bahrain Bourse, Bahrain All Share Index as market proxy and yield of...
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This study examines the momentum effect in the returns of factor premia representing a broad set of stock market strategies. Using cross-sectional and time-series tests, we investigate the performance persistence of market, value, size, momentum, low-risk, and quality premia within a sample of...
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This study examines the seasonality effect in the cross section of factor premia representing a broad set of stock market strategies. Using cross-sectional and time-series tests, we investigated the cross-sectional seasonality of market, value, size, momentum, quality, and low-risk premia within...
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This study investigates the momentum effect in factor premia in international government bond markets. The investigations are based on a range of fixed-income factor strategies related to volatility, credit risk, value, and momentum that are tested in a sample of data from 25 countries for the...
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The decomposition of national CAPM market betas of European countries’ value and growth portfolio returns into cashflow and discount rate news driven components reveals that i) high average returns on value portfolios are associated with disproportionately high sensitivity to national cashflow...
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The study tests prominent equity market anomalies for six emerging markets - Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, South Korea and South Africa. We find that using the Fama French model (FFM) as performance benchmark the size anomaly is present in India, South Korea and Brazil, value anomaly in South...
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