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A growing body of literature analyses the impact of news on companies' equity prices. We add to this literature by showing that the transmission channel of news to prices differs across sectors. First, we disentangle sectoral equity prices into components of expected future earnings and equity...
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The relation between average equity return and market exposure behaves distinctively on days on which early earnings announcements are made by firms for which the announcements have a large spillover “influence” on discount rates and expectations of earnings for related firms. On such days...
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This study examines the dynamics of asset pricing around macroeconomic news announcements. Prior literature documents a significantly positive implied and realized market premia on macroeconomic announcement days. I investigate the days before and after announcements and find a significant swing...
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We show that the stock market regularly and systematically receives information about company fundamentals through month-end reporting, even before the quarterly earnings announcement. Such cash-flow news concentrates at the beginning of a month and affects company announcements, analyst...
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We rely on a unique set of high-frequency factors to robustly estimate an intraday Stochastic Discount Factor (SDF). Exploiting the precisely timed jumps in the estimated SDF together with real-time newswire data, we identify and precise the news that is priced. We find that news related to...
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We explore the impact of fake news on asset price dynamics within the asset-pricing model of Brock and Hommes (1998). By polluting the information landscape, fake news interferes with agents' perception of the dividend process of the risky asset. Our analysis reveals that fake news decreases the...
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We analyze the announcement risk premia on the US market between September 1987 and March 2023 and find that the market index exhibits average excess returns of 8.3 bps for macroeconomic announcement days. This strongly contrasts with 1.4 bps returns for non-announcement days. We further measure...
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Recent evidence (Stambaugh, Yu, and Yuan, 2015) indicates that the most promising explanation for the negative price of idiosyncratic volatility is from its function as a limit arbitrage. Our evidence incorporating firm specific news is inconsistent with the limited arbitrage explanation. Since...
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This paper shows that in asset pricing the information environment gives rise to a systematic risk factor when the informativeness of future news events varies with their content (i.e., bad news and good news are not equally informative). The paper further shows that in such cases (cross) serial...
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This study investigates the relationship between the news effect and the abnormal returns. The content analysis is applied to quantify the public news related to the listed stocks in the Taiwan Stock Market. By Referring to Demers and Vega (2011), this study constructs the net optimism of public...
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