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. Further, insurers are sensitive to volatility risk (the risk of losses when volatility goes up), but not to insurance …
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Analyzing the top 100 U.S. property-liability insurers, we find that the cost of equity capital is negatively related to insurers' underwriting performance, but not their investment performance. The difference is attributable to opaque insurer liabilities and investor learning. We also find that...
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We conduct a comprehensive asset pricing analysis for the U.S. property/liability insurance industry using monthly data … the returns of property/liability insurance stocks in a satisfactory way. We adapt the model proposed by Adrian, Friedman …, and Muir (2015) for financial institutions and define an insurance-specific five-factor asset pricing model (INS5), which …
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We develop an equilibrium pricing model aimed at explaining observed characteristics in equity returns, VIX futures and VIX options data. To derive our model we first specify a general framework based on affine jump-diffusive state-dynamics and representative agent endowed with Duffie-Epstein...
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We introduce a straightforward method to estimate the implied cost of equity, allowing growth horizons to fluctuate both cross-sectionally and through time. Our results show substantial dispersion of implied growth horizons in cross-sections and time-series for US firms in the years 1988-2013....
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Preqin and Pitchbook data are classified and analyzed to derive a coherent set of risk-return assumptions to combine with Listed liquid assets in a traditional mean-variance framework. We find expected returns of 11%-12% for PE and 8% for PD, PC detailed per subclass. Risk is decomposed in Class...
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factors. Given the life insurance industry's unique role in providing long term protection to U.S. households and the relative …
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This study presents an improved model for estimating life insurer cost of capital with the inclusion of upside and downside risk factors and controlling for life insurer characteristics. Although various asymmetric measures of market risk have been shown to be priced factors for the broader...
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For life insurance companies and pension funds, it is always the case in practice that not all of the risks in their … current insurance-industry standard), Good Deal Bound pricing, and pricing under Model Ambiguity. Although each of these … conclude that the current cost-of-capital of 6% used by the industry and the European insurance supervisor (EIOPA) is too low …
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Guarantees embedded variable annuity contracts exhibit option-like payoff features and the pricing of such instruments naturally leads to risk neutral valuation techniques. This paper considers the pricing of two types of guarantees; namely, the Guaranteed Minimum Maturity Benefit and the...
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