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We examine the daily activity and performance of a large panel of individual investors in Sweden's Premium Pension System. We find that active investors earn significantly higher returns and risk-adjusted returns than inactive investors. A performance decomposition analysis reveals that most of...
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We examine the daily activity and performance of a large panel of individual investors in Sweden's Premium Pension System in the period 2000 to 2010. We find that active investors outperform passive investors, and that there is a causal effect of fund changes on performance. Chosen funds...
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We examine the daily activity and performance of a large panel of individual investors in Sweden's Premium Pension System. We find that active investors earn significantly higher returns and risk-adjusted returns than inactive investors. A performance decomposition analysis reveals that most of...
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An idealized model of the investment process redefines the respective roles of security analysts and portfolio managers, quantifies such concepts as activity and aggressiveness, and explains how the individual analyst's efforts at forecasting returns translate into improved portfolio performance
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The study outlines fees and investment returns for state pension funds. The study concludes that states with the highest fees, as a percent of assets, had the lowest returns. The study shows a passive index mimicking state fund asset allocations provides higher returns. Private equity funds and...
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We investigate the causality between the real federal budget deficit returns and real stock market returns for the US economy. We divide the overall sample into two sub-samples running from 1968:1 to 1988:3 and from 1988:4 to 2011:3. In contrast to earlier studies, we find a significant positive...
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Investment performance studies of pension or mutual funds have overall been too statistically inconclusive to create definitive rankings to help investors make fund selection decisions. This paper presents an alternative approach based on comparing the pension or mutual fund firms themselves...
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It is widely believed that although stocks are very risky in the short run, in the long run they are far less risky and are sure to outperform risk-free investments such as government bonds. This belief is a dangerous fallacy. It leads to the illusion that one can earn an equity risk premium...
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We propose a methodology to evaluate private equity investments by using investor-specific stochastic discount factors. The methodology allows a direct way of decomposing an investor's private-equity return into a risk-compensation and an "alpha". It also helps determine whether a given investor...
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