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from July 28, 2000 to March 31, 2009. The Granger causality test and the Johansen cointegration technique were applied to … gold market. Results of the Johansen cointegration test for long-run relationships between the selected markets show that …
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The present paper tests for the validity of long-run purchasing power parity (PPP) for the three key currencies of the recent floating exchange rate period, the US dollar, the German mark and the Japanese yen. The novelty of the paper is that the validity of the PPP conditions relating the...
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In this paper we perform inference on the effect of a treatment on survival times in studies where the treatment assignment is not randomized and the assignment time is not known in advance. Two such studies are discussed: a heart transplant program and a study of Swedish unemployed eligible for...
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This paper describes a modelling methodology for multivariate stochastic processes. The concept of multiple causality is discussed and a procedure to detect multiple causality is suggested. The data of a major Canadian supermarket is analyzed and a multivariate autoregressive model for this...
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In this paper, I try to tame "Basu's elephants" (data with extreme selection on observables). I propose new practical large-sample and finite-sample methods for estimating and inferring heterogeneous causal effects (under unconfoundedness) in the empirically relevant context of limited overlap....
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This paper studies the optimality of matched-pair designs in randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Matched-pair designs are examples of stratified randomization, in which the researcher partitions a set of units into strata based on their observed covariates and assign a fraction of units in each...
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A growing literature on inference in difference-in-differences (DiD) designs with grouped errors has been pessimistic about obtaining hypothesis tests of the correct size, particularly with few groups. We provide Monte Carlo evidence for three points: (i) it is possible to obtain tests of the...
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In this paper we perform inference on the effect of a treatment on survival times in studies where the treatment assignment is not randomized and the assignment time is not known in advance. Two such studies are discussed: a heart transplant program and a study of Swedish unemployed eligible for...
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We provide a better understanding of the causal structure in a multivariate time series by introducing a novel statistical procedure for testing indirect and spurious causal effects. In practice, detecting these effects is a complicated task, since the auxiliary variables that transmit/induce...
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We derive restrictions for Granger noncausality in Markov-switching vector autoregressive models and also show under which conditions a variable does not affect the forecast of the hidden Markov process. Based on Bayesian approach to evaluating the hypotheses, the computational tools for...
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