Showing 1 - 10 of 45
There has been for some time substantial concern regarding the loss of young people in rural communities. There is a sense that most rural communities offer few opportunities for their younger people, requiring them to leave for urban communities, most likely not to return. While there is a...
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La deperdition des jeunes des collectivites rurales cause depuis un bon moment deja bien des inquietudes. On pense generalement que la plupart des collectivites rurales offrent peu de possibilites a leurs jeunes, ce qui les oblige a partir vers les villes, vraisemblablement pour toujours. Meme...
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Previous research suggests that high-school students living beyond commuting distance from a university are far less likely to attend, especially if they are from a lower-income family. This study asks three follow-up questions. First, do students who live too far to attend university 'make-up'...
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This paper adopts the decomposition technique of DiNardo, Fortin and Lemieux (DFL, 1996) to decompose provincial differences in the distribution of Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) test scores and assesses the relative contribution of provincial differences in the...
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We use data from the Canadian National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth to address two questions. To what extent do parents and children agree when asked identical questions about child well-being? To what extent do differences in their responses affect what one infers from multivariate...
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Using three waves (1982, 1986, 1990) of the National Graduate Survey (NGS) we analyze the time it takes graduates of Canadian universities to start a full time job that lasts six months or more. We analyze duration to first job using the Cox proportional hazards model. Our results suggest large...
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The present review provides a description of various Canadian national survey data sets that could be used to examine issues related to child care use. National data sets dealing with patterns of employment, time use, family earnings, social support, and child, adolescent, or adult health...
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Les eleves savent-ils quelles etudes leur permettront d'atteindre leurs objectifs de carriere? Ces renseignements sont-ils associes a leur parcours scolaire? Afin de repondre a ces questions, nous utilisons l'Enquete aupres des jeunes en transition, cohorte A, pour effectuer une comparaison...
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Do students know the education required to achieve their career objectives? Is this information related to their education pathways? To address these questions, the Youth in Transition Survey (YITS), Cohort A is used to compare high school students' perceptions of the level of education they...
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Le present article evalue a partir des donnees du Recensement de 2006 les resultats scolaires (tel que la probabilite de decrochage scolaire au secondaire) d'une cohorte d'immigrants arrives au Canada alors qu'ils etaient encore enfants. L'etude documente le fait que la vraisemblance que les...
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