Showing 1 - 10 of 45
Cette etude examine la mesure dans laquelle les caracteristiques des eleves, les ressources et pratiques d?enseignement des ecoles, l?influence des pairs et les effets fixes par province expliquent les differences entre les resultats scolaires des eleves des ecoles secondaires privees et ceux...
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Le present article evalue a partir des donnees du Recensement de 2006 les resultats scolaires (tel que la probabilite de decrochage scolaire au secondaire) d'une cohorte d'immigrants arrives au Canada alors qu'ils etaient encore enfants. L'etude documente le fait que la vraisemblance que les...
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This paper examines the education outcomes (including the chances of being a high school drop-out) of a cohort of immigrants who arrived in Canada as children using the 2006 Census. The research documents the degree to which high school graduation for immigrant children may change discretely...
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Les connaissances actuelles concernant la reussite socioeconomique (au chapitre de la scolarite et des gains) des enfants d'immigrants sont fondees sur les experiences de ceux dont les parents immigrants sont venus au Canada avant les annees 1970. Depuis, des cohortes successives d'immigrants...
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Current knowledge about the favourable socioeconomic attainment (in education and earnings) among children of immigrants is based on the experiences of those individuals whose immigrant parents came to Canada before the 1970s. Since then, successive cohorts of adult immigrants have experienced...
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Le present document passe en revue les recherches recentes sur les determinants du niveau de scolarite atteint par les enfants d'immigrants nes au Canada et aux Etats-Unis, appeles egalement la deuxieme generation. Il porte plus particulierement sur l'ecart sur le plan du niveau de scolarite...
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This paper reviews the recent research on the determinants of the educational attainment among the children of immigrants born in Canada and the United States, also known as the second generation. The focus is on the gap in educational attainment between the second and third-and-higher...
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Le present document passe en revue les recherches recentes sur les determinants des resultats sur le marche du travail des enfants d'immigrants au Canada et aux Etats-Unis. De nouvelles recherches sur les resultats obtenus au Canada y sont aussi presentees. Globalement, et en l'absence de...
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This paper reviews recent research on the determinants of the labour market outcomes of the children of immigrants in Canada and in the U.S. New research on outcomes in Canada is also presented. In the aggregate, and with no controls, the labour market outcomes of the second generation-the...
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This paper examines differences in postsecondary-participation rates between students with and without immigrant backgrounds in Switzerland and Canada. For both countries, a rich set of longitudinal data, including family background, family aspirations regarding postsecondary education, and...
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