Showing 21 - 30 of 45
La presente etude fournit une description des differents ensembles de donnees canadiennes qui pourraient etre utilises pour examiner des questions relatives au recours aux services de garde. Les ensembles de donnees nationales qui traitent des tendances de l'emploi, de l'emploi du temps, des...
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Des etudes anterieures semblent indiquer que les eleves du secondaire qui ont a franchir plus que la distance de navettage pour se rendre a l'universite sont bien moins susceptibles de frequenter celle ci, surtout s'ils appartiennent a une famille a faible revenu. Cette etude repondra a trois...
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The school performance of the children of immigrants in the Canadian school system is analyzed using data from the first three waves of the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY). School performance is measured in terms of ability at reading, writing, mathematics and overall...
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This research paper examines whether various measures of family income are associated with the cognitive, social/emotional, physical and behavioural development of children. Data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth were used to assess a range of measures of well-being...
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A framework for thinking about intergenerational mobility as it relates to the relationship between parent and child incomes as well as evidence on the degree and sources of intergenerational mobility in Canada is reviewed. The major conclusion is that Canadian society is characterized by a good...
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This study assesses how geographic distance between home and school affects the probability of attending university shortly after high school graduation. Students that grow up near a university can save on costs by staying home to attend the local university and thus may be more likely to...
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This study examines prominent and emerging labour market trends of the 1990s to see if they have reversed under the pressure of the robust economic growth of 1997-1999. Specifically, it looks at the dramatic rise in self-employment, trends in job stability, and the low youth employment rate over...
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This paper examines differences in postsecondary-participation rates between students with and without immigrant backgrounds in Switzerland and Canada. For both countries, a rich set of longitudinal data, including family background, family aspirations regarding postsecondary education, and...
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Le present document porte sur les differences entre les taux de participation aux etudes postsecondaires des eleves issus de familles d'immigrants et des eleves non immigrants en Suisse et au Canada. Pour les deux pays, un ensemble riche de donnees longitudinales, y compris les antecedents...
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Les connaissances actuelles concernant la reussite socioeconomique (au chapitre de la scolarite et des gains) des enfants d'immigrants sont fondees sur les experiences de ceux dont les parents immigrants sont venus au Canada avant les annees 1970. Depuis, des cohortes successives d'immigrants...
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