Showing 1 - 10 of 223
Implementing performance pay requires that workers' output be measured. When measurement costs differ among firms, those with a measurement cost advantage choose to implement performance pay. They attract the best workers, and both the level and variability of compensation are higher at these...
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This study analyses the extent and determinants of temporary employment in Switzerland and performs an evaluation of these contracts using data from the first three waves of the Swiss Household Panel (SHP), i.e. for the years 1999 to 2001. It is shown that temporary employment is most common...
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"The paper examines the magnitude, trend, motives and determinants of the job-to-job mobility of workers in Switzerland. This is done using both the job changes that have actually occurred and intended job changes. It is shown that the macroeconomic job-turnover rate increased in trend in the...
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Discussion Paper No. 94, December 2003 Research Institute for Labour Economics and Labour Law THE DETERMINANTS AND WAGE EFFECTS OF COURSE-RELATED TRAINING OF ELDERLY WORKERS IN SWITZERLAND Alfonso Sousa-Poza / Fred Henneberger ∗ Department of Economics and Research Institute...
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Fred Henneberger / Alfonso Sousa-Poza Eine empirische Analyse der Zeitarbeit und der Stellenvermittlung durch ein Temporärbüro in der Schweiz 2 1. Ausgangslage, Fragestellung und Zielsetzung der Studie Der Anteil der Zeitarbeitnehmer an allen Beschäftigten hat sich in den meisten...
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"This study analyses the extent and determinants of temporary employment in Switzerland and performs an evaluation of these contracts using data from the first three waves of the Swiss Household Panel (SHP), i.e. for the years 1999 to 2001. It is shown that temporary employment is most common...
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"The paper examines the magnitude, trend, motives and determinants of the job-to-job mobility of workers in Switzerland. This is done using both the job changes that have actually occurred and intended job changes. It is shown that the macroeconomic job-turnover rate increased in trend in the...
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"In der Studie werden die gewünschten Arbeitszeiten, die Überstunden und die Stundenrestriktionen der abhängig Erwerbstätigen in der Schweiz analysiert. Als Datenbasis verwenden die Autoren einerseits die Schweizerische Arbeitskräfteerhebung (SAKE) des Jahres 1998. Dabei wird folgendes...
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