Showing 1 - 10 of 24
Eine ausreichend gute Ernährung stellt einen Grundpfeiler für die Formation von Humankapital da. Nur ein gut ernährtes und gesundes Kind wird regelmäßig zur Schule gehen, auf die Einflüsse seiner Umwelt adäquate reagieren und genug lernen um gute Bildungsergebnisse zu erzielen....
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Lack of information about health risks may limit adoption of improved nutritional and healthy behavior. This paper studies the effect of nutrition information intervention on household dietary behavior, child health, and cognitive ability of children in rural India. Using experimental data and...
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Long-term follow-up of early childhood health interventions is important for human capital accumulation. We provide experimental evidence on child health and human capital outcomes from the longer-term follow-up of a school-based nutrition intervention in India. Using panel data, we examine the...
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Long-term follow-up of early childhood health interventions is important for human capital accumulation. We provide experimental evidence on child health and human capital outcomes from the longer-term follow-up of a school-based nutrition intervention in India. Using panel data, we examine the...
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Lack of information about health risks may limit the adoption of improved nutritional and healthy behavior. This paper studies the effect of a nutrition information intervention on household dietary behavior, hemoglobin levels, and cognitive outcomes of children in rural India. Using...
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Um Armut zu bekämpfen, muss die menschliche Entwicklung gestärkt werden. Allerdings werden heute 250 Millionen Kinder unter 5 Jahren in Ländern mit niedrigem und mittlerem Einkommen wahrscheinlich nicht ihr volles Entwicklungspotenzial erreichen. Um Hindernisse für eine optimale menschliche...
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Lack of information about health risks may limit the adoption of improved nutritional and healthy behavior. This paper studies the effect of a nutrition information intervention on household dietary behavior, hemoglobin levels, and cognitive outcomes of children in rural India. Using...
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Despite growing policy commitment and decades of extensive research, nutritional deficiencies remain a key challenge for health systems worldwide. In addition to causing significant personal costs for those affected, indirect effects, such as reduced overall human capital accumulation or losses...
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