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The purpose of this study is to investigate the validity of the absolute version of the purchasing power parity (PPP) of a sample of four advanced and four emerging countries covering the period from 1993 to 2014. To examine the existence of PPP we apply the Augmented Dickey-Fuller, DF-GLS and...
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Spurious regression analysis in panel data when the time series are cross-section dependent is analyzed in the paper. We show that consistent estimation of the long-run average parameter is possible once we control for cross-section dependence using cross-section averages in the spirit of the...
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This is an exploratory study that attempts to identify and provide empirical evidence on the possible determinants of the market capitalisation of the Harare Stock Exchange (HSE) with the view of understanding the development prospects of the HSE and other similar markets. The study used...
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This paper develops a wavelet (spectral) approach to estimate the parameters of a linear regression model where the regressand and the regressors are persistent processes and contain a measurement error. We propose a wavelet filtering approach which does not require instruments and yields...
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We propose bootstrap implementations of the asymptotic Wald, likelihood ratio and Lagrange multiplier tests for the order of integration of a fractionally integrated time series. Our main purpose in doing so is to develop tests which are robust to both conditional and unconditional...
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This paper studies the robust estimation and inference of threshold models with integrated regres- sors. We derive the asymptotic distribution of the profiled least squares (LS) estimator under the diminishing threshold effect assumption that the size of the threshold effect converges to zero....
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We propose in this article the use of a particular version of the tests of Robinson (1994) for testing seasonally …
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This review discusses methods of testing for a cointegration in a time series in thepresence of structural breaks. The …
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This rejoinder highlights some of the differences in the test approach adopted by Fernandez-Macho (2013) in his critique of Leong and Huang (2010) and those commonly found in the literature such as Granger and Newbold(1974), Phillips (1986) and Leong and Huang (2010)
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This article highlights the importance of statistical tests on the trend coefficient in cointegrating regressions when the stochastic regressors contain a deterministic linear trend. In addition to deriving asymptotic theory for t statistics constructed using integrated and modified ordinary...
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