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In Van Weert et al. (2010), results are obtained showing that, when allowing some of the cash flows to be negative, convex order lower bound approximations can still be used to solve general investment problems in a context of provisioning or terminal wealth. In this paper, a correction and...
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In this paper, we investigate the transition probabilities for diffusion processes. In a first part, we show how transition probabilities for rather general diffusion processes can always be expressed by means of a path integral. For several classical models, an exact calculation is possible,...
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In the recent econophysics literature, the use of functional integrals is widespread for the calculation of option prices. In this paper, we extend this approach in several directions by means of δ-function perturbations. First, we show that results about infinitely repulsive δ-function are...
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This paper presents a new axiomatic characterization of risk measures that are additive for independent random variables. In contrast to previous work, we include an axiom that guarantees monotonicity of the risk measure. Furthermore, the axiom of additivity for independent random variables is...
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We introduce a new and easy-to-calculate measure for the expected degree of herd behavior or co-movement between stock prices. This forward looking measure is model-independent and based on observed option data. It is baptized the Herd Behavior Index (HIX).
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In this paper we derive expressions for the Tail Variance and the Tail Variance Premium of risks in a multivariate log-elliptical setting. The theoretical results are illustrated by considering lognormal and log-Laplace distributions. We also derive approximate expressions for a Tail...
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Using a standard reduction argument based on conditional expectations, this paper argues that risk sharing is always beneficial (with respect to convex order or second degree stochastic dominance) provided the risk-averse agents share the total losses appropriately (whatever the distribution of...
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In this article, we show that some important implications concerning comonotonic couples and corresponding convex order relations for their sums cannot be translated to counter-monotonicity in general. In a financial context, it amounts to saying that merging counter-monotonic positions does not...
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