Showing 1 - 10 of 604
This paper investigates the effects of mergers, entry, and exit in retail markets when input prices are negotiated. Results are derived from a model of bilateral Nash-bargaining between manufacturers and retailers which allows for general forms of demand and retail competition. Whether...
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This paper investigates the effects of changes in retail market concentration when input prices are negotiated. Results are derived from a model of bilateral Nash-bargaining between upstream and downstream firms which allows for general forms of demand and retail competition. Whether...
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We study how buyer power affects producers' incentives to share information with retailers. Adopting the Bayesian persuasion framework, we show that full information disclosure is optimal only when buyer power is sufficiently low. Using the presence of retail price recommendations as the proxy...
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This paper investigates the effect of competition among credit rating agencies on ratings quality. Specifically, we study how the ratings quality of a small local rating agency (DBRS) responds to competition from a large global rating agency (S&P) in rating Canadian corporate bonds. We find that...
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This paper investigates the competition between vertically differentiated platforms in two-sided markets. We assume the presence of two competing platforms producing either higher- or lower-quality devices for consumers. Each platform decides the price of its hardware device for consumers and...
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If entry requires accommodation by retailers, the incumbent manufacturer may transfer profits to retailers to maintain his dominant position (Asker and Bar-Isaac 2014). This paper shows that such an incentive to transfer will induce the high quality entrants to disclose the quality of their...
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One of the reasons why regulators are hesitant about permitting price competition in healthcare markets is that it may damage quality when information is poor. Evidence on whether this fear is well-founded is scarce. We provide evidence using a reform that permitted Dutch health insurers and...
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This paper analyzes interactions within standard‐setting networks in the area of social and labor rights. We examine the shape of transnational business governance interactions (TBGI), pathways, and interaction mechanisms in three sectors: garments, toys and agriculture. Our comparative...
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