Showing 41 - 50 of 924
Exchange rates have long been thought to have an important impact on the export and importof goods and services, and, thus, exchange rates are expected to influence the price of thoseproducts that are traded. At the same time, energy impacts commodity production in somevery important ways. The...
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Der deutsche Lebensmitteleinzelhandel ist durch einen starken Preiswettbewerb geprägt.Sonderangebote stellen dabei das zentrale Marketinginstrument für viele Einzelhändler dar. Preissynchronisation wird als das gleichzeitige Anpassen von Preisen definiert. Das Fehlen dieser Gleichzeitigkeit...
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Includes cover page, journal info, contents page, and editorial information
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Our study uses the data collected during the implementation of the tobacco buyout program inKentucky to evaluate how rural households, diverse in income, age, family structure, location,education level, and other characteristics, made a choice between annuities and a lump-sumpayment. Subjects in...
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Reduction in coffee consumption has required from coffee organizations the development ofmarketing techniques so as to creating value to their product as well as reaching consumer’s satisfaction. Thiswork aimed at identifying questions on coffee consumers’ desires, perceptions, preferences...
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