Showing 1 - 10 of 46
After arguing that the concepts of b-convergence and s-convergence are independently interesting, this paper extends the empirical evidence on regional growth and convergence across the United States, Japan, and five European nations. We confirm that the estimated speeds of convergence are...
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This the inaugural issue of the International Productivity Monitor, a new publication produced by the Ottawa-based Centre for the Study of Living Standards (CSLS). The objective of the Monitor is to focus atttention on the importance of productivity for improving living standards and quality of...
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The concepts of s-convergence, absolute b-convergence and conditional b-convergence are discussed in this paper. The concepts are applied to a variety of data sets that include a large cross section of 110 countries, the sub-sample of OECD countries, the states within the United States, the...
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A good deal of controversy surrounds the empirical regularity of convergence. If capital’s share is taken to be 1/3, as in national accounts, then convergence should occur at a much faster rate than observed. Problems are worse if the economy is open. With perfect capital mobility convergence...
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We use county data with 3,058 observations to study growth and convergence in the US. We assess the effect of 40 conditioning variables on the counties’ balanced growth paths. Using OLS and 3SLS-IV, the later yielding consistent estimates, we report estimates for the full sample and for metro,...
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This paper examines the spatial distribution of jobs across US counties and investigates whether sectoral employment is becoming more or less concentrated. The existing literature has found deconcentration (convergence) of employment across urban areas. Cities only cover a small part of the US,...
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We utilize county-level data to explore growth determination in the U.S. and possible heterogeneity in growth determination across individual states. The data includes over 3,000 cross-sectional observations and 39 demographic control variables. We use a consistent two stage least squares...
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This paper empirically examines the international spillover of economic growth through bilateral trade. We extend the Solow growth model with a spatial autoregressive term and a spatial time lag term, and estimate such a model with a sample of 26 OECD countries over the period 1971–2005. We...
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This paper investigates the convergence of wage and salary disbursements per job and compensation of employees per job for fifty one states in the United States for the period 1990 and 2010. Additionally, this paper examines the relationship between the wage and salary disbursements per job and...
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In this paper, I document the existence of unconditional convergence in labor productivity across Mexican states in three-digit manufacturing industries. The rate of convergence for the period 1988-2018 is 1.18% per year. However, this result does not hold at the aggregate level: I find no...
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