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In this paper, we study an aspiration-induced migration model, in which each individual plays the prisoner’s dilemma game with those being within a circle of radius r centered on himself/herself. An individual will migrate to a randomly chosen place with the velocity v if his/her payoff is...
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Heritability is ubiquitous within most real biological or social systems. A heritable trait is most simply an offspring’s trait that resembles the parent’s corresponding trait, which can be fitness, strategy, or the way of strategy adoption for evolutionary games. Here we study the effects...
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Within most real biological or social systems, age plays an important role in the vitality of individuals. For instance, individuals become more and more weak with age, while young individuals may prosper even under poor living conditions. In this paper, we find that aging as a coevolutionary...
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Conditional interactions are common in both human and animal societies. To understand the impacts of this feature on the evolution of cooperation, we propose a modified public goods game combined with conditional interactions in terms of the aspiration payoffs. Through simulations, we find that...
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In this work, the depreciation effect of public goods is considered in the public goods games, which is realized by rescaling the multiplication factor r of each group as r′=r(ncG)β (β≥0). It is assumed that each individual enjoys the full profit r of the public goods if all the players of...
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In this paper, we study the evolutionary Prisoner's Dilemma Game (PDG) and the Snowdrift Game (SG) with a self-questioning updating mechanism in the Barabási–Albert (BA) network. Although this self-questioning mechanism does not show much advantages in sustaining the cooperative behavior...
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We introduce a preferential selection mechanism into a spatial public goods game where players are located on a square lattice. Each individual chooses one of its neighbors as a reference with a probability proportional to exp(Py∗A), where Py is the neighbor’s payoff and A (≥0) is a...
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Effects of local information transmission and imitation among agents in an evolving population consisting of agents competing for limited resources are studied numerically through a model based on the evolutionary minority game (EMG). Enhanced cooperation is found to result from an effective...
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