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Schott et al. (2007) have shown that the “tragedy of the commons” can be overcome when individuals share their output equally in groups of optimal size and there is no communication. The assignment of individuals to groups as either strangers or partners does not significantly affect this...
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We run a laboratory experiment with a two-person game with unique pure Nash equilibrium which is also the solution of the iterative elimination of strictly dominated strategies. The subjects are asked to commit to a device that randomly picks one of three symmetric outcomes in this game...
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We run a laboratory experiment with a two-person game with unique pure Nash equilibrium which is also the solution of the iterative elimination of strictly dominated strategies. The subjects are asked to commit to a device that randomly picks one of three symmetric outcomes in this game...
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future choices. These considerations motivate a rich research programme on how social networks shape individual and …
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together rather than investing separately. We study the coordination and cooperation problems that might hinder successful … how much their partners invest. Moreover, subjects deal better with the coordination and cooperation problems as they gain … collaboration in a dynamic network setting. We develop an experiment in which coordination problems are mainly due to finding …
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Social life offers innumerable instances in which trust relations involve multiple agents. In an experiment, we study a new setting called Collective Trust Game where there are multiple trustees, who may have an incentive to coordinate their actions. Trustworthiness has also a strategic...
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Motivated by problems of coordination failure observed in weak-link games, we experimentally investigate behavioral … spillovers for minimum- and median-effort coordination games. Subjects play these coordination games simultaneously and … sequentially. The results show that successful coordination on the Pareto optimal equilibrium in the median game influences …
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production as a coordination game with Pareto-ranked equilibria. We initially create an efficient group and an inefficient one … restrictions in different ways to help understand why the institutions are effective in maintaining coordination. We find that both … restrictions work to maintain efficient coordination but they are effective for different reasons. …
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This paper examines whether and how cheap talk communication can facilitate within-group coordination when two unequal … improves coordination. To measure how much miscoordination remains, we employ a control treatment where miscoordination is …
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. We use a coordination game with Pareto-ranked equilibria, in which we allow an effciently-coordinated group and an …
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