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This paper provides evidence of ratings shopping in the corporate bond market. By estimating systematic differences in agencies' biases about any given firm's bonds, I show that new bonds are more likely to be rated by agencies that are positively biased towards the firm---a pattern that is...
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The paper aims to examine the new regulatory framework of project finance in the economics of banking firms. In particular, the paper investigates the uniqueness of the project finance, the significant importance of the project finance in bank activity, and the role of the new bank capital...
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This article develops a new theory of interconnected financial contracts. It focuses on a common type of interconnected contracting scenario, in which party A enters into a contract with B, and B enters into a separate contract with C. While A and C are not in privity of contract, their common...
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This paper attempts to investigate the impact of credit information sharing on bank-specific stock price crash risk. Using a sample of 1,402 listed-banks in 55 countries for the period 2005-2013, we show that credit information sharing through public credit registries is negatively associated...
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In this paper we review the pricing and model calibration of Credit Default Swaps referring to both the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) CDS contract and credit model standardization guidelines. Furthermore we provide an Excel pricing workbook to supplement the materials...
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We find that a firm's stock price reaction to its credit rating downgrade announcement is muted by 44--52% when credit default swaps (CDSs) trade on its debt. We explore the role of the CDS markets in providing information ex ante and relieving financing frictions ex post for downgraded firms....
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In this paper, we simulate and analyze the impact of financial regulations concerning the collateralization of derivative trades on systemic risk - a topic that has been vigorously discussed since the financial crisis in 2007/08. Experts often disagree on the efficacy of these regulations....
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Firm political contributions are associated with lower credit default swap spreads for contributing firms. To address endogeneity, we employ novel instruments and use a set of exogenous events on campaign contribution restrictions: (a) the passage of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA)...
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Financial globalization has given an impetus to the development and innovation in financial products. However, at the same time, it has complicated banking regulations and its consequent risk management mechanisms. The GFC and consequent Basel III have accentuated the importance of operational...
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This paper develops a formula to numerically estimate the unsubsidized, fair-market value of the toxic assets purchased with Federal Reserve loans. It finds that subsidy rates on these loans were on average 33.9 percent at origination. In contrast, by the 3rd quarter of the 2010, there was on...
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