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Los niveles de deuda pública sobre el PIB en una mayoría de países de la UEM, incluida España, se encuentran en niveles muy elevados de acuerdo con los registros históricos disponibles. La literatura económica es concluyente en señalar que el mantenimiento de ratios de deuda pública muy...
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The government debt-to-GDP ratios in the majority of euro area economies, including Spain, are at very high levels according to the available historical records. Economic research is conclusive in pointing out that bearing high levels of public debt ratios for an extended period of time can be...
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Artículo de revista ; The Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), the centrepiece of the Next Generation EU (NGEU) instrument, has become the European Union (EU) economic policy coordination priority. This has made it necessary to temporarily simplify the European Semester. To gain access to...
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Motivación. Desde 2020, a raíz de la pandemia y para adaptarse a un contexto en constante cambio, el Semestre Europeo está inmerso en un importante proceso de reestructuración. La puesta en marcha del Mecanismo de Recuperación y Resiliencia (MRR), elemento central del instrumento temporal...
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Rationale As a result of the pandemic and with the aim of adapting to a constantly changing environment, the European Semester has been immersed in an important restructuring process since 2020. The launch of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), a central element of the Next Generation EU...
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Motivación Desde 2020, el Semestre Europeo está inmerso en un importante proceso de reestructuración, para adaptarse a un contexto en constante cambio. Al mismo tiempo, ha continuado adaptándose a la aplicación del Mecanismo de Recuperación y Resiliencia. Además, en 2024, coincidiendo con...
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Rationale Since 2020, the European Semester has been immersed in a large-scale restructuring process, to adapt to an environment in constant change. At the same time, it has continued to adapt to the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility. Moreover, in 2024, coinciding with the...
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The response of human capital accumulation to changes in the anticipated returns to schooling determines the type of skills supplied to the labor market, the productivity of future cohorts, and the evolution of inequality. Unlike the US, the UK or Germany, Spain has experienced since 1995 a drop...
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