Showing 1 - 10 of 89
Historically, utility customers have been differentiated into various customer classes, based on their utility service demand characteristics. In this paper we argue that greater differentiation, if based on value and cost of service, can be justified on grounds of economic efficiency, and if...
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The Community-Level Impacts Projection System includes a set of techniques for providing detailed advance information required for rational planning. The computerized system generates reports which enable the user: to describe the energy development activity in terms of its employment demands...
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This publication provides detailed documentation of the load forecast scenarios and assumptions used in preparing BPA's 1991 Pacific Northwest Loads and Resources Study (the Study). This is one of two technical appendices to the Study; the other appendix details the utility-specific loads and...
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Consumer and producer services, the latter in particular, are expected to become an important means of diversification and employment growth to the economy of Nevada. It has been suggested that the siting of the nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, will lead to a significant...
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Testimony in recent geothermal power plant siting cases in the Geysers-Calistoga KGRA has established that nine local school districts have reached or exceeded the design which induces immigration into these impacted districts will aggravate the situation. Several power plant applicants have...
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The number of workers currently involved in the various aspects of geothermal development in the Geysers are identified. Using two different development scenarios, projections are made for the number of power plants needed to reach the electrical generation capacity of the steam resource in the...
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В статье рассмотрены различные гипотезы кризиса смертности в России. На основе сравнительного анализа возрастных коэффициентов смертности в РФ и КБР, выявлены...
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В статье на основе социального мониторинга рассматривается механизм рационализации демографической политики государства с учетом социального здоровья...
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This paper analyzes how markets for old-age care respond to the aging of populations. We consider how the biological forces, which govern the stocks of frail and health persons in a population, interact with economic forces, which govern the demand for and supply of care. We argue that aging...
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As the U.S. population ages, a growing ratio of retirees to workers increases the burden of pay-as-you-go retirement systems. It is efficient to maintain a defined-benefit social security system? Should PAYGO benefits be reduced and private retirement savings be encoraged? To answer such policy...
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