Showing 1 - 10 of 13
This paper presents a short comparative analysis of USDA and FAPRI projections for world wheat market prices until 2005. The relevance of different model assumptions regarding assumed inflation, exchange rates, policy parameters as well as shifts in demand and production development are...
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This paper makes a contribution to the application of nonlinear simultaneous equations estimation and nonparametric Bootstrapping techniques. The nonlinear demand model estimation work in this paper is in the context of the newly developed Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System (QUAIDS) model, and...
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Ongoing bilateral trade negotiations between the Mercosur group and the EU since 2000 onagricultural products served as incitement to analyse the impacts of possible outcomes. The objectiveof this paper is to quantitatively assess impacts of bilateral liberalisation scenarios on EU25 andMercosur...
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This paper presents a short comparative analysis of USDA and FAPRI projections for world wheat market prices until 2005. The relevance of different model assumptions regarding assumed inflation, exchange rates, policy parameters as well as shifts in demand and production development are...
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This paper motivates and applies a variant of the Bayesian Bootstrap Multivariate Regression by Heckelei and Mittelhammer (2003) to a Japanese meat demand specification with endogenous regressors. The methodology is first given an alternative and more elegants motivation and then extended to...
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This paper presents an application of Bayesian analysis to an AIDS model of Japanese meat demand extending previous approaches in three ways: (1) The methodology employed is robust with respect to the likelihood function but retains the generic, easily programmable character of algorithms...
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This paper makes a contribution to the application of nonlinear simultaneous equations estimation and nonparametric Bootstrapping techniques. The nonlinear demand model estimation work in this paper is in the context of the newly developed Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System (QUAIDS) model, and...
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Ongoing bilateral trade negotiations between the Mercosur group and the EU since 2000 on agricultural products served as incitement to analyse the impacts of possible outcomes. The objective of this paper is to quantitatively assess impacts of bilateral liberalisation scenarios on EU25 and...
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Irrigation water management is crucial for agricultural production and livelihood security in Morocco as in many other parts of the world. For the implementation of an effective water management knowledge about farmers’ irrigation water demand is crucial to assess demand reactions of a water...
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