Showing 1 - 10 of 196
This Regional Input is a supplement to Ezoneplus Working Paper No. 13 on the Social Dimension of the Eastward Enlargement of the Eurozone. Within Ezoneplus the Social Dimension is a hybrid in the sense that it addresses both the reshaping of certain policies and the socio-political repercussions...
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We give an overview of the "German model" of industrial relations. We organize our review by focusing on the two pillars of the model: sectoral collective bargaining and firm-level codetermination. Relative to the United States, Germany outsources collective bargaining to the sectoral level,...
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Der Begriff der Ausbildungsadäquanz zielt auf den Grad der Übereinstimmung zwischen den im Bildungssystem erworbenen Qualifikationen und dem Anforderungsprofil der am Arbeitsmarkt ausgeübten Tätigkeit. Im Falle einer ausbildungsinadäquaten Beschäftigung oder auch Fehlqualifikation bleibt...
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In der Wissenschaft wird zu Recht viel von den Daten der Volkszählung 2010/2011, dem ersten Zensus seit der deutschen Wiedervereinigung, erwartet. Während die Volkszählung in den 80er Jahren in Westdeutschland noch hoch kontrovers war, gab es bislang kaum Streit um die jetzt anstehende...
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Partnerschaften zwischen Migranten und Einheimischen gelten gemeinhin als Ergebnis erfolgreicher sozialer Integration und möglicherweise treibende Kraft hinter ökonomischem Erfolg. So verfügen inter-ethnisch lebende Migrantinnen und Migranten über eine höhere Schulbildung, einen besseren...
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The prospects for labour supply in Europe are considered. The analysis begins with a so-called labour market balance covering the development on an aggregate level. Estimations to shed light on the relation between unemployment and labour force participation are given in the second part of the...
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Over the last year the German government has introduced a comprehensive set of labor market policy reforms, the so-called Hartz reforms, which aim at a significant reduction of unemployment. To this end, (a) many of the existing instruments of active labor market policy are modified...
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In this paper we investigate the effect of labour income uncertainty on the probability of home ownership in Germany and Spain. This study is motivated by two facts. Firstly, theoretical models provide ambiguous results in this issue. Secondly, there is limited previous empirical evidence and...
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Over the last year the German government has introduced a comprehensive set of labor market policy reforms, the so-called Hartz reforms, which aim at a significant reduction of unemployment. To this end, (a) many of the existing instruments of active labor market policy are modified...
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Germany has had an extremely low growth performance since 1995. The paper looks at the long-run reasons for this loss of economic dynamics besides German unification: These include leaving labor idle, a declining share of investment in GDP, a weaker innovative activity, an ineffective system for...
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