Showing 1 - 10 of 797
The task of this study is the comparative analysis of the diffusion process of Blockchain into the national higher education systems as well as analysis of best-practice examples. It is part of the EU Erasmus+ project "BlockWASTE", which has as its overall objective to promote the application of...
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In research into higher education, the evaluation of completion and dropout rates has generated a steady stream of interest for decades. While most studies only calculate quotes using student and graduate numbers for both phenomena, we propose to also consider the budget available to...
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An ongoing debate in the literature on efficiency of higher education institutions concerns the indicator for research output in the empirical analysis. While several studies chose to use the number of publications, others rely on the overall amount of research grants. The present study...
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Das deutsche Bildungssystem steht ungeachtet diverser Reformanstrengungen in der jüngeren Vergangenheit weiter vor großen Herausforderungen: Im internationalen Vergleich fehlt es an sozialer Chancengleichheit im Verlauf der Bildungskarrieren, und für eine Bildungsnation nehmen sich die...
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Im Rahmen des Bologna-Prozesses hat die Kultusministerkonferenz im Jahr 2004 beschlossen, dass alle Studiengänge an den deutschen Hochschulen akkreditiert werden müssen. Der Umfang der öffentlichen Diskussion und der juristischen Auseinandersetzungen sowie die Höhe der Kosten machen...
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Andreas Schleicher und Ludger Schuknecht, OECD, Paris, zeigen in ihrer Analyse zwei internationale Trends auf, die für die Bildungspolitik in Deutschland und Europa von besonderer Relevanz sind. Erstens, ein hohes Bildungsniveau bleibt der Garant für Wohlstand und Wachstum. Aber im...
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In view of the cross-sectoral shortage of skilled workers in Germany, the structural deficits and dysfunctionalities in vocational education and training are currently being discussed intensively and, among other things, the further development of vocational orienta-tion is recommended. The...
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This volume was prepared by Susanne Link during her stay at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich and the Department of Human Capital and Innovation of the Ifo Institute of Economic Research. It was accepted as a doctoral thesis by the Economics Departure of the University of Munich in...
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This volume was prepared by Benedikt Siegler while working at the Center for the Economics of Education of the Ifo Institute. It was completed in June 2014 and accepted as a doctoral thesis by the Department of Economics at the University of Munich (LMU) in November 2014. The thesis includes...
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Applying a differences-in-differences strategy, I study the decentralization of university admission as a natural experiment. Is the centralized or decentralized procedure better suited to match prospective students to universities? The analysis uses administrative data on all students within...
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