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This paper examines regional effects of the InnoRegio program, which was conducted by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The InnoRegio program has been a new tool of innovation policy with the aim to improve innovativeness in East Germany on the basis of prosperous regional...
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This paper discusses the role of so-called national champions within the context of the EU's ambitious goal to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economic region in the world by 2010. We find football to be a useful analogy in our discussion of national champions. There are...
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Research and development (R&D) expenditure in Germany decreased by 5.3 percent overall in 2020 compared to 2019. While the OECD countries actually slightly increased their R&D expenditure on average for the first time in a crisis-ridden year, it declined more sharply in Germany compared to the...
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This paper discusses the role of so-called national champions within the context of the EU's ambitious goal to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economic region in the world by 2010. We find football to be a useful analogy in our discussion of national champions. There are...
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Nach der Coronapandemie wird die deutsche Wirtschaft durch den Angriff skrieg Russlands auf die Ukraine von einem weiteren exogenen Schock getroff en. Neben gestörten Lieferketten, fehlenden Rohstoff en und Fachkräften kommen nun Energieknappheit und Infl ation hinzu und belasten die deutsche...
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Drei Viertel der TV-Frequenzen, die bisher dem analogen Fernsehen dienen, sind durch die Einführung der digitalen Fernseh- und Rundfunkübertragung ab 2009 neu zu vergeben. Besonders die mobile Breitbandkommunikation wird davon profitieren. Die Nachfrage nach Lizenzen ist groß, sodass nicht...
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Die Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) wird in Deutschland als entscheidende Schlüsseltechnologie gesehen (BMWi, 2019). Bereits 2018 erklärte Bundeskanzlerin Merkel in ihrem Video-Podcast, dass Deutschland bei KI führend sein muss, 'wenn wir Wachstum und damit auch neue Arbeitsplätze und Wohlstand...
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The emergence and growth of the largest African market for information and communication technology in Lagos, Nigeria …
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The article analyses the implications of reduced subsidies for electric cars in Germany, to be implemented 2023. In addition to high electricity price increases, rising costs for lithium-ion batteries habe cut into the incentive and will lead to decreasing sales of electric vehicles in the...
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