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to amplified innovations by diminishing the knowledge filter? The results illustrate how new businesses can be viewed as …
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The paper develops a growth model with evolutionary microfounded structural change. The model endogenises both technical change and changes in final and intermediate demand as affecting macro-economic growth, through the structural change of the economy. The aim is to formally account for the...
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The idea of an industrial policy that promotes large businesses - heavyweights - as the best way to compete in a globalized world has become, again, en vogue among European politicians. The only apparent controversy about the idea revolves around whether it is better to promote national...
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The paper aims to account for the empirical stylised facts related to changes in sectoral structures that have led to the growth of services in most advanced countries over recent decades. A growth model with evolutionary micro-founded structural change is developed, which formalises the role of...
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Recent pre-crisis growth accounting exercises attribute strong productivity growth toincreased investments in information and communication technologies (ICT), especiallyduring the mid-1990s. EU-wide stylized facts about a growing US-EU productivity gapare confirmed for Germany, particularly...
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The paper develops a growth model with evolutionary microfounded structural change. The model endogenises both technical change and changes in final and intermediate demand as affecting macro-economic growth, through the structural change of the economy. The aim is to formally account for the...
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cycles we find that the number of establishments, employees, entries and exits follow in most industries a path that is well …
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Die Digitalisierung ist in aller Hände. Das Smartphone hat in den vergangenen neun Jahren die private Lebensführung gewaltig verändert. Jederzeit und überall sind wir vernetzt, wir haben in Echtzeit Entscheidungsoptionen und Steuerungsmöglichkeiten. Die dahinter stehenden Hersteller der...
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Digitalisation is in everyone's hands. During the last nine years the smartphone tremendously changed private lifestyle. Anytime and everywhere we are connected, we have options for decision making and controlling in real-time. Producer of hardware as well as software service provider of...
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Our paper analyzes the interplay of organizational demography with the propensity to adopt an innovative practice. In particular, we examine how the demographical composition of professional German football teams influenced the adoption of the chain-defense-system (?Viererkette?) as well as the...
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