Showing 21 - 30 of 750
Im Rahmen der vom Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ) und vom Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) in Auftrag gegebenen Gesamtevaluation von zentralen ehe- und familienbezogenen Leistungen wurden in der vorliegenden Studie die Auswirkungen der familienpolitischen...
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In Deutschland ist die Familienpolitik zu einem Kernthema der Politik und der Öffentlichkeit geworden. Die anhaltend niedrige Geburtenrate wird weitreichende Folgen für alle öffentliche Bereiche mit sich bringen. Um einen Wandel zu bewirken, plädiert Prof. Dr. Notburga Ott, Universität...
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This paper demonstrates the usefulness of the decomposability property of the Generalized Entropy (GE) family of measures in comparing inequality among countries. A family of Generalized Entropy measures are decomposed by family size and by the household head's age, gender, education, and...
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We study the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on domestic violence against women in Germany in 2020. The analysis draws on three data sources: (1) longitudinal administrative data on the volume of help requests to helplines, shelters and counselling services, (2) cross-sectional survey data...
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This article studies the extent of occupational gender segregation in Germany and analyzes the influence of organizational characteristics on the extent of firm level segregation. We use the 2004 and 2008 survey waves of the Linked-Employer-Employee dataset at the IAB (LIAB) and estimate panel...
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Women-friendly policies may have perverse effects on the wages of employed women and mothers in particular. Yet few have addressed the causal impact of such policies and the mechanisms they might trigger at the individual level to produce such wage responses. We assess if and how two decades of...
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The increase in inequalities during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has been the topic of intense scholarly and public debate. School closures are one of the containment measures that have been debated most critically in this regard. What drives support for school and daycare/kindergarten closures...
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In many European countries, men and women differ significantly in the amount of informal care work they provide for relatives, with women acting as caregivers far more frequently than men. This difference, known as the gender care gap, varies considerably between European countries, with Germany...
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This paper assesses the effects that an introduction of the French family splitting mechanism would have on German families' labour supply and intra-household consumption behaviour. We use simulated real world microdata created by means of a 'deterministic' collective labour supply model. The...
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This paper investigates the relationship between kindergarten attendance and secondary school track choice in West-Germany. Our analysis is based on a panel of 12 to 14-year olds with information from age two on, drawn from the German SocioEconomic Panel (GSOEP) 1984?2005. We estimate binary...
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