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dieser Umverteilungseffekte in Deutschland, Finnland, Frankreich, Italien und im Vereinigten Königreich mit Daten der …
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We compare the distributional effects of austerity measures that have been introduced in 6 EU countries in the period of large government budget deficits following the 2007-8 financial crisis and subsequent economic downturn. We explore the effects of policy changes presented as "austerity...
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countries (France, Italy and Germany) on the link between time allocation by parents and time allocation by youngsters … youngsters allocation of time to socializing and to reading and studying activities, with Italy standing out as the country where …
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This paper documents methodology underlying the construction of the integrated data base for our study on "Wer trägt die Steuerlast in Deutschland? - Verteilungswirkungen des deutschen Steuer- und Transfersystems" (Who bears the tax burden in Germany? - Distributional Analyses of the German tax...
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The highly dynamic nature of the COVID-19 crisis poses an unprecedented challenge to policy makers around the world to take appropriate income-stabilizing countermeasures. To properly design such policy measures, it is important to quantify their effects in real-time. However, data on the...
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Bruttoarbeitseinkommens über die gesamte Einkommensverteilung hinweg niederschlägt. Das Steuer-Transfer-System und diskretionäre …
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When comparing tax benefit systems across Europe, Germany is usually regarded as a country with a high level of taxes and contributions which is often seen as a main challenge for the economic performance of the welfare state. In this paper, we analyse the progressivity and redistribution...
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This paper estimates income tax underreporting for the case of Germany, by income category and along the income distribution. Comparing weighted samples of survey and tax data, we find patterns that are in line with the literature: Average income from self-employment and from rent and lease in...
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