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We develop a continuous-time intertemporal CAPM model that allows for risky beta exposure, which we explicitly specify. In the model, the expected return on a stock depends on beta's co-movement with market variance and more generally with the stochastic discount factor and deviates from the...
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) arbitrage opportunities among spot currency exchange rates in a foreign exchange market. We obtain sufficient conditions for … excluding the triangular arbitrage opportunities in a market with or without market frictions, i.e. transaction costs. Then we … propose a very efficient computational approach not only to detect triangular arbitrage opportunities in real time but also to …
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We derive a model-free option-based formula to estimate the contribution of market frictions to expected returns (CFER) within an asset pricing setting. We estimate CFER for the U.S. optionable stocks. We document that CFER is sizable, it predicts stock returns and it subsumes the effect of...
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is an arbitrage cap on its premium resulting from new issues. This censors the distribution of the premium and causes its …
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markets. Issues concerning individualoptimality, (approximate) arbitrage,capital market equilibrium, and Pareto efficiency are …
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We use a standard consumption-based asset pricing model incorporating conditioning information to explain the risk-return profile of currency carry trade portfolios. We use a scaled stochastic discount factor instead of scaled or managed portfolio returns as in previous work. Our conditioning...
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We use a standard consumption-based asset pricing model incorporating conditioning information to explain the risk-return profile of currency carry trade portfolios. We use a scaled stochastic discount factor instead of scaled or managed portfolio returns as in previous work. Our conditioning...
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equivalence of absence of arbitrage, the existence of a positive linear pricing rule, and the existence of an optimum for some …
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Short lived arbitrage opportunities arise when prices adjust with a lag to new information. They are toxic because they … expose dealers to the risk of trading at stale quotes. Hence, theory implies that more frequent toxic arbitrage opportunities … triangular arbitrage. As predicted, illiquidity is higher on days when the fraction of toxic arbitrage opportunities and …
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as periods in which substantial deviations from arbitrage parities take place. In particular, we focus on deviations from … the triangular arbitrage parity for exchange rate triplets from a cointegration perspective. Due to increasing attention … fiat currencies. We do not find evidence for substantial deviations from the triangular arbitrage parity when only …
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