Showing 1 - 9 of 9
Monet teollisuusmaiden palveluyritykset ovat kansainvälistyneet nopeasti. Viimeisten vuosikymmenten aikana palvelusektorin ulkomaaninvestointien kasvu on ollut nopeampaa kuin teollisuussektorin. Syitä on useita: monet palvelusektorin yritykset ovat seuranneet teollisia asiakasyrityksiään...
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During the last 10 to 15 years the ownership structure of Finnish business has changed in Finland perhaps more profoundly than in any other European country. Since the early 1990s both portfolio investment by foreigners and inward foreign direct investment (FDI) have grown rapidly. Helsinki...
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Globalisaation seurauksena erityisesti pienten maiden yritysten omistajapolitiikka ja -rakenne sekä johtamis- ja valvontajärjestelmät (corporate governance) ovat muuttuneet. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan Suomessa toimivien yritysten omistajien kansallisuuden vaikutusta yritysten...
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The report looks at investment activity in Finland by industries and types of investment, and makes international comparisons. Investment rate (fixed investment in relation to GDP) fell in Finland in the early 1990s from an internationally high level to the average West European rate. Among key...
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This paper is a part of larger research project on the role of the 30 largest firms in the Nordic countries. By examining the changes in the role of top 30 firms in the Finnish economy we aim to reveal some essential features of the structural transformation in the economy. From the national...
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This report reviews some of the most recent literature examining the home country employment effects of internationalisation. A brief overview of the history of the internationalisation of Finnish firms is also presented. The general conclusion from the literature is that the absolute employment...
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Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan kyselyaineiston avulla suomalaisten yritysten toimintaa ja lähiajan laajennussuunnitelmia ulkomailla. Noin kymmenellä prosentilla kyselyn yrityksistä oli pysyvää henkilöstöä ulkomailla. Seuraavan kolmen vuoden aikana toiminnan laajentamista ulkomailla harkitsi...
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The report looks at mergers and acquisitions (M&As) as companies’ investment strategy. The aim of this study is to benchmark Finnish M&A activity against other countries. Several comparisons suggest that Finnish companies are very active in the M&A market. In fact, after taking into account...
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This study analyses how patent quality impacts the likelihood of acquisition. If a firm owns high quality or valuable patents, other firms may be interested in buying the firm to obtain the ownership of these patents. To proxy the quality of patents, we use both forward and backward citations....
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