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We investigate the possibility of using public firms to regulate polluting emissions in a Cournot oligopoly where …
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-researched field in the experimental oligopoly literature. We provide results from an experiment that varies the number of firms as …
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This study provides a comprehensive picture of experimental Kreps-Scheinkman markets with capacity choice in the first stage and subsequent price competition at the second. We conduct seven different treatments of such markets, varying the number of firms, the demand rationing scheme, the...
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This study is the first to investigate the effect of demand rationing in experimental Bertrand-Edgeworth markets with fixed exogenous capacities. It is found that prices and profits are significantly higher under proportional than under efficient demand rationing. Moreover, the amount of...
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We present an oligopoly model where a certain fraction of consumers engage in costly non-sequential search to discover …
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We revisit the debate on the optimal number of firms in the commons in a differential oligopoly game in which firms are …
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Within a simple model of homogeneous oligopoly, we show that the traditional ranking between Bertrand and Cournot …
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In this paper we model wholesale electricity markets as infinitely repeated games played under demand uncertainty. We examine the uniform-price auction, showing that symmetric bidding at the price cap constitutes the optimal collusive equilibrium under both perfectly inelastic demand and demand...
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We consider a two-periods-model of differentiated duopoly. Firms produce an en-ergy consuming household durable differentiated by its energy efficiency. Consumers differ by the weight they apply to their future energy costs when deciding which product to buy. In line with the Japanese Top Runner...
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We present a model of takeover where the target optimally sets its reserve price. Under relatively standard symmetry restrictions, we obtain a unique equilibrium. The probability of takeover is only a function of the number of firms and of the insiders' share of total industry gains due to the...
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