Showing 1 - 10 of 110
inventories: materials (input) inventories facilitate the production of finished goods, while finished goods (output) inventories … cyclicality of inventory investment and inventory-to-target ratios. Although inventories are an important element of the model … parameters associated with inventories play a minor role in reducing the volatility of output. …
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This paper introduces inventories in an otherwise standard Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model (DSGE) of the … business cycle. Firms accumulate inventories to facilitate sales, but face a cost of doing so in terms of costly storage of … intermediate goods. The paper's main contribution is to present a DSGE model with inventories that is estimated using Bayesian …
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This paper introduces inventories in an otherwise standard dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model. Firms … accumulate inventories to facilitate sales, but face a cost of doing so in terms of costly storage of intermediate goods. Based … inventory dynamics has a significant impact on parameter estimates and the following analyses. We find that inventories enter …
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materials, for both production as well as for inventories. The more detailed treatment of inventory holdings offers new insights …
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I explore the implications of the lumpy labor adjustment as a propagation mechanism for aggregate dynamics. The model I use nests the basic RBC model with a staggered-job-turnover in the spirit of Taylor (1980) and Calvo (1983). It extends this approach by introducing a Weibull-distributed labor...
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I explore the aggregate effects of micro lumpy labor adjustment in a prototypical RBC model, which embeds a stochastic labor duration mechanism in the spirit of Calvo(1983), and it extends this approach by introducing a Weibull-distributed labor adjustment process to capture the increasing...
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We describe an algorithm that is able to compute the solution of a singular linear difference system under rational expectations. The algorithm uses the Generalized Schur Factorization and is illustrated by a simple example.
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Business cycle models with sticky prices and endegenous firm entry make novel predictions on the transmission of shocks through the extensive margin of investment. This paper tests some of these predictions using a vector autoregression with model-based sign restrictions. We find a positive and...
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As GDP is highly correlated with both entering and exiting firms, we develop a totally microfounded DSGE model with endogenous firms entry as well as exit decisions. We show that the simplifying assumption of a constant firms' death rate made by the recent literature on DSGE modelling can lead...
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