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This thesis consists of one essay in industrial organization and two essays in non-cooperative game theory.
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We consider multicointegration in the sense of Granger and Lee (1990), that is, the cumulated equilibrium error cointegrates with the process itself. It is shown, that if the process is given by the cointegrated VAR model for I(1) variables, then multicointegration cannot occur. If, however, the...
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Bergin and Lipman (1996) show that the refinement effect from the random mutations in the adaptive population dynamics in Kandori, Mailath and Rob (1993) and Young (1993) is due to restrictions on how these mutation rates vary across population states. We here model mutation rates as...
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This paper suveys several recently proposed regression-based methods that can be used to evaluate the usefulness of seasonally adjusted data, with specific focus on Census X-12 adjustment. These methods examine whether seasonality has indeed been removed and whether key properties (like a trend...
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In this paper, a very general model of survival data with (exclusive or inclusive) right censoring, explanatory processes and a baseline predictable hazard function is considered in the ocntezt of nonparametric Bayasian analysis. particular cases are semiparametric proportional hazards and...
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The aim of this paper if to give some comments on two approximations used to price reinstatements related to excess of loss reinsurance. For the pro rate capita clause, we will study the rate on line method. For the pro rate temporis clause, we will study the use of a trivial approximation. The...
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The aim of this short note is to investigate the impact of duplicates in a life insurance portfolio by means of the supermodular order. Most classical results involving the variances are generalized using the stop-less order.
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The adjustment for the cedent's retained risk after excess-of-loss reinsurance with reinstatements is calculated. Therefore we need a multivariate aggregate claims distribution. This distribution is easily given by a multivariate extension of Panjer's recursion. Numerical examples show the...
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In this paper, I first prove an integral representation theorem: Every quasi-integral on a Stone lattice can be represented by a unique upper-continuous capacity. I then apply this representation theorem to study the topological structure of the space of all upper-continuous capacities on a...
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We describe in this paper a method allowing to order submodels in linear regression. A real function is attached to each submodel, allowing to graphically compare and order them. Our procedure defines an objective function depending on two factors (lack of fit and multicolinearity) with the...
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