Showing 1 - 10 of 792
The authors examine a variant of the uncapacitated lot-sizing model of Wagner-Within involving sales instead of fixed demands, and lower bounds on stocks. Two extended formulations are presented, as well as a dynamic programming algorithm and a complete description of the convex hull of solutions.
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In a framework with an upstream monopoly and downstream duopoly, we analyze the impact of vertical integration when downstream firms have convex costs.
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In this paper we offer the Gibbs sampler as an alternative estimator to the the GMM procedure used by berry, Levinsohn, and Pakes (1995) (henceforth BLP) in their equilibrium differentiated product market analysis of the automobile industry.
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The interaction of various methods of mitigating economic and international double taxation of corporate source income is studied within a standard neoclassical model of firm behavior. The main purpose is to determine to what extent methods effective in mitigating economic double taxation in a...
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We study the effects of a change in some exogenous variable (the fixed cost or a parameter in the payoff functions) on the strategies played in a Symmetric Cournot Equilibrium with Free Entry (SCEFE). We also show that any observation on prices, profits and number of firms is compatible with the...
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We obtain semiparametric efficiency bounds for estimation of a location parameter in a time series model where the innovations are stationary and ergodic conditionally symmetric marginale differences but otherwise prossess general depence and distributions of unknown from. We then describe an...
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We address the problem of allocating indivisible goods and some amount of an infinitely divisible good among agents with equal rights on these resources. Our specific objective is to investigate the implications of the following requirement on allocation rules : when the preferences of some of...
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In allocation problems of perfectly divisible goods, we study the equity property of 'no-domination', according to which no agent can receive strictly more of all goods than any other agent. We prove that no-domination is incompatible with Pareto efficiency, as soon as preferences are allowed to...
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The Bank of Canada's new Quarterly Projection Model, QPM, Comnines the short-term dynamic properties necessary to support regular economic projections with the consistent behavioural structure necessary for policy analysis.
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