Showing 1 - 10 of 17
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The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, it introduces a new version of the Edgeworth process with trading activities centered around self-interested enterprising arbitragers; and second it examines how the prices of the derived securities are deteremined under this process.
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This paper designs and implements a Bayesian dynamic latent factor model for a vector of data describing the Iowa economy.
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We develop a business cycle model in which consumption goods, physical capital and human capital are produced in separate sectors.
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In econometrics, most null hypotheses are composite, dividing the parameters into parameters of interest and nuisance parameters. The domain of the nuisance parameters can influence the size-corrected critical value and hence the power of a test. We show that the domain of the nuisance...
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This paper applies an equilibrium search to study the transition from schooling to work of US high school graduates. We consider the case where there is heterogeneity in firm productivity and the number of firm types is discrete. For this case the estimation problem is non-standard and the...
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We test for the presence of long memory in daily stock returns and their squares using a robust semiparametric procedure. Spurious results can be produced by nonstationarity and aggregation.
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Most hypotheses in binary response models are composite. The null hypothesis is usually that one or more slope coefficients are zero. Typically, the sequence of alternatives of interest is one in which the slope coefficients are increasing in absolute value. In this papar, we prove that the...
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