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performs favourably compared to the Eurosystem/ECB staff macroeconomic projections, (iv) forecasting performance deteriorates …
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This paper compares within-sample and out-of-sample fit of a DSGE model with rational expectations to a model with adaptive learning. The Galí, Smets and Wouters model is the chosen laboratory using quarterly real-time euro area data vintages, covering 2001Q1-2019Q4. The adaptive learning model...
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; (iv) newer generation Phillips curve models with several timevarying features are a promising avenue for forecasting …
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In this paper, we consider whether differences in the forecast performance of ECB SPF respondents reflect ability or chance. Although differences in performance metrics sometimes appear substantial, it is challenging to determine whether they reflect ex ante skill or other factors impacting ex...
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the beginning of 2018. They also have performed well in forecasting the direction of inflation. In terms of the …
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Recent articles suggest that a Bayesian vector autoregression (BVAR) with shrinkage is a good forecast device even when the number of variables is large. In this paper we evaluate different variants of the BVAR with respect to their forecast accuracy for euro area real GDP growth and HICP...
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This paper uses a panel VAR (PVAR) approach to estimating, analysing and forecasting price dynamics in four different …
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Forecast models with large cross-sections are often subject to overparameterization leading to unstable parameter estimates and hence inaccurate forecasts. Recent articles suggest that a large Bayesian vector autoregression (BVAR) with sufficient prior information dominates competing approaches....
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- and hard-threshold algorithms improves the forecasting performance, especially during periods of economic crisis. While a … effect on forecasting performance, all the more, if the set of indicators becomes unbalanced. …
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relative to other predictors generally improving in the post-2012 period. An out-of-sample forecasting exercise indicates that …, when monetary and credit aggregates are loaded directly in the forecasting equation, the additional gains over the … and credit variables in forecasting inflation, even if their information content is diluted in a much broader pool of …
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