Showing 1 - 10 of 11
Using a large data set of companies from 16 European countries over the period between January 1994 and May 2011, we estimate the equity risk premiums applying an implied cost of capital approach. We find estimates that are consistently larger than those in previous studies, ranging from 4.4% to...
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Interested in fundamental analysis and inspired by Bartram and Grinblatt (2018 & 2021), we apply linear regression (LR) and tree-based machine learning (ML) methods to estimate monthly peer-implied fair values of European stocks from 21 accounting variables. Comparing LR and ML models, we...
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In this study we use a sample of 332 European mid-market buy-out transactions initiated by private equity firms over the period 1990 to 2011. The focus of this research is to identify and quantify the value creation drivers in buy-out transactions. For that purpose we use a novel methodology for...
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In this paper we propose a measure of systemic risk in the financial sector, the expected systemic shortfall (ESS) indicator. The ESS-indicator is the product of the probability of a systemic default event and the expected tail loss in case this systemic event occurs. We compute the indicator...
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In an attempt to match US bankruptcy law, many European countries have reformed their insolvency laws towards a regime that fosters corporate restructuring. This paper evaluates the implications of these reforms. Based on a staggered difference-in-differences analysis around eight insolvency...
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