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Additionality is one of the key principles driving the functioning of the EU Cohesion Policies (ECP). The present paper studies how additionality affects the distributional effects of the ECP. Using the example of the firm-level investment support, we analyse the role of additionality and...
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Why are we rich and others poor? What is preventing the less-developed countries from catching up with the more developed? How did we become rich? Underlying these questions are more fundamental ones: What is the nature of economic progress? What are its causes? I seek the answers to these...
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The year 2009 is a propitious time to evaluate systems of investor protection in financial markets as global bank losses exceed the 1 trillion mark and market losses equally exceed the 1 trillion mark. Prior to the Global Financial Crisis, the European Union enacted sweeping legislation to...
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In this paper we intended to analyse the effects that the incorporation of the candidate states to the EU will have over their economies. As far as the EU has evolved towards a single market, we studied their foreign trade with the EU member states (intra and inter industrial trade). We also...
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When Contracting Parties finally signed the Uruguay Round GATT Agreements, then EC Members were split on reform of the EC banana import regime. An ambiguous legal outcome allowed EC States to sign the GATT accords while reserving the right to challenge the EC banana regime, defended adamantly by...
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Chinas Anteile an den Warenimporten der EU-Länder stiegen im Zeitraum 2000 bis 2019 sehr deutlich, mit einem Schwerpunkt auf der ersten Dekade. Deutschlands Anteile waren dagegen seit 2005 im Trend rückläufig. Bei den in dieser Studie betrachteten anspruchsvollen industriellen Produktgruppen...
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This paper examines the link between imported technologies and a country's export performance, as measured by product quality. The analysis is set in the background of the process of regional integration between the EU and its neighbouring developing countries. The underlying question is whether...
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This paper examines the link between imported technologies and a country's export performance, as measured by product quality. The analysis is set in the background of the process of regional integration between the European Union (EU) and its neighbouring developing countries. The underlying...
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In diesem Report wird untersucht, ob China mit seinen Exporten immer mehr in diejenigen Branchen vordringt, in denen die deutsche Wirtschaft ihre Stärken hat. Um dieser Frage nachzugehen, werden die Veränderungen der Anteile Chinas und Deutschlands an den EU-Importen im Zeitraum 2000 bis 2022...
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