Showing 7,011 - 7,020 of 7,086
Am 1. Januar 1993 war - so die Kommission1 - der Startschuß für den Binnenmarkt, den Raum ohne Grenzen im Inneren gefallen. Zwar waren für das Jahr 1993 noch Einschränkungen des grenzenlosen Wirtschaftsaustauschs aufgrund von Abschlußarbeiten der nationalen und europäischen Gesetzgeber...
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When we refer to the EC 1992 these days we think about the introduction of the single-internal market, i.e. a market with no discrimination on the grounds ofthe nationality of buyers and sellers as far as the member countries of the EC are concerned. This tends to lead us into deep waters when...
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Der Bundesminister für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit (BMU) hat im November 1991 einen ersten Entwurf für eine Verordnung zur Förderung von Getränkemehrwegsystemen vorgelegt; offen ist, ob dieser Entwurf, wie ursprünglich vorgesehen, im Jahre 1997 in Kraft gesetzt wird. Dieser...
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Universities are key players in the successful transition to a knowledge-based economy and society. However, this crucial sector of society needs restructuring if Europe is not to lose out in the global competition in education, research and innovation. To allow a more evidence based process of...
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The paper discusses the relevance of past concerns about trade and foreign direct investment diversion to the detriment of Asian suppliers and hosts as a result of EU integration deepening and widening in the nineties. Based on recent empirical evidence, these concerns are rejected. As concerns...
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This paper discusses the issue whether developing countries forego chances in world manufactured markets by protecting intermediate services against market entry of new suppliers. By scanning the empirical literature on effective rates of protection (ERP), the evidence is supportive. Yet, it...
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What is wrong with Europe's Single Market? The brief answer to that question is that it does not really exist - it is unsingle. The Single Market is in many ways a political illusion. It exists only nominally. Any company doing business in Europe faces significant barriers to cross-border...
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The single market currently sits at the centre of the European economic integration project and plays a key role in the EU processes of political and social integration.This centrality would have been purely totemic had it not been for the inherent success and resilience of the European...
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The purpose of this paper is to analyze the various challenges facing European integration and the EU institutional architecture as result of the global financial crisis. The European integration process is not yet complete, both in terms of its content and geographical coverage. It can be...
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