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Analyses the influence of value judgements in the mechanics of testing econometric theories against empirical data. The orthodox view of mainstream, positive economics is that value judgements play no part in the above process. Contests this view; defines value judgements and shows the orthodox...
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In This Paper Several Additional Gmm Specification Tests Are Studied. a First Test Is a Chow-Type Test for Structural … Second Set of Specification Tests Are Var Encompassing Tests. It Is Assumed That the Dgp Has a Finite Var Representation. the … Tests Is to Compare Parameter Estimates of the Euler Conditions and Var Representations of the Dgp Obtained Separately with …
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In This Paper We Present and Implement an Econometric Test of Both Negative Semi-Definiteness of the Matrix of Compensated Price Effects and of the Negative Quasi-Definiteness of the Matrix of Uncompensated Price Effects. This Test Allows Us to Evaluate Two Alternative Characterizations of...
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This Paper Proposes a General Method to Build Exact Tests and Confidence Sets in Linear Regressions with First …-Order Autoregressive Gaussian Disturbances. Because of a Nuisance Parameter Problem, We Argue That Generalized Bounds Tests and … Set of Linear Restrictions on the Regression Coefficients, We Get Exeact Similar Tests. for Testing Bounds-Type Procedures …
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Un Test de la Stabilite Structurelle des Parametres Estimee Par la Methode des Moments Generalisee (Mmg) Est Presente. le Test Est Predictif, Base Sur L'examen de Previsions Sur un Sous-Echantillon le Test S'applique Sur une Grande Variete de Modeles D'inference Dynamiques, Modeles D'equations...
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State space alternative to autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity models are proposed. The initial model, which …: state space alternative to integrated GARCH processes', Journal of Econometrics, 60(1-2), 181-202. [Available at http …
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. The treatment can be used as a textbook for courses on applied time series econometrics …
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strategies that combine econometrics and machine learning when conducting forecasts with new big data sources. Specifically … reduction strategies and traditional econometrics approaches in forecast accuracy, there are further significant gains from …
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