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It is assumed that performance of production system can be described with the three variables: amount of production equipment -- capital stock $K$ and 'consumption' of labour L and capital services S. It is shown that the production function can be specified as the known Cobb- Douglas production...
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El presente estudio se centra en uno de los problemas económicos regionales fundamentales de nuestra época: el desenvolvimiento económico de la convergencia y el crecimiento en las regiones considerando a las instituciones. El estudio se ocupa de revisar la literatura teórica del crecimiento...
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The study investigates the effects of trade volume and trade policies on economic growth. An extension of an earlier study, conducted by Halit Yanikkaya, the study investigates economic growth from cross-section data of 99 countries between 1998 and 2002. The study employs trade measure...
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The years following the Second World War were those of the greatest economic growth that Europe had ever seen. If the countries of the Iberian Peninsula, neutral in the conflict and ruled by dictatorial regimes, enjoyed that growth and had participated in the convergence phenomenon, Ireland,...
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This paper explores the consequences of rising returns to human capital investment on the personal savings rate. Over the past two decades, the return to college education has increased relative to high school education leading economists to argue the presence of 'skill biased technological...
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We use U.S. county data (3,058 observations) and 41 conditioning variables to study growth and convergence. Using OLS and 3SLS-IV we report on the full sample and metro, non-metro, and 5 regional samples: (1) OLS yields convergence rates around 2 percent; 3SLS yields 6–8 percent; (2)...
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This research develops a theory about the role of within-country income inequality leading to overtaking in economic performance among countries. The theory captures two opposing effects of inequality on factor accumulation and suggests that the qualitative change in their combined effect is a...
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In this paper an effort has been made to unveil some hidden and implicit assumptions that has been used in different models dealing with analysis and measurement of contribution of human capital to economic growth. In order to do it we started from the general production function with...
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In an economic sense defence expenditure is normally exogenously determined, that is economic forces do not play the leading role in determining the level of defense expenditure. Adam Smith, in his writing An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations states that "It is only by...
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The present study of regional economic growth in Mexico is based on the new economic geography, where distance plays an important role in explaining urban regional economic growth. The results show that distance to the northern border of Mexico and labor migration between states of Mexico, after...
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